BIM (Building Information Modeling), represents an approach (methodology) in project design. 

The main characteristic of the BIM approach is the immediate insight into the information carried by the BIM model. To make the BIM model suitable for a specific purpose, it is necessary to define processes and requirements in a timely manner.

TeamCAD, with nearly two decades of experience, has perfected the methodology for implementing BIM technology for our clients.

We tailor each implementation individually, ensuring that participants do not experience negative reactions or resistance to this technology. At the same time, there are key steps essential for successful preparation: the implementation of BIM software and the improvement of document management systems.

The TeamCAD BIM team consists of 10 engineers from various fields, organized into three teams: Revit, Autodesk Construction Cloud, and Vault.

Client and Partner Experiences

BIM Events

Title Type Timing
CoNStruction konferencija conference 31.10. - 01.11.
BIM u javnim projektima u PKS conference 06.11. / 10h
Tips & Tricks: Revit MEP familije vol. 2 webinar 07.11. / 10h

TeamCAD consulting team

Aleksa Mandić - TeamCAD


Aleksandra Bajin - TeamCAD


Aleksandra Ćetojević - TeamCAD


Bojan Cenić - TeamCAD


Bojan Uskoković - TeamCAD


Kristina Stojšin - TeamCAD


Nedeljko Šovljanski - TeamCAD


Tara Badnjar - TeamCAD


Vladimir Guteša - TeamCAD


Vuk Vukanić - TeamCAD


BIM Implementation

The implementation of BIM solutions enables the enhancement of design processes at all stages by transitioning from a 2D AutoCAD platform to 3D BIM technology based on Autodesk Revit solutions, resulting in greater competitiveness, productivity, and improved service quality. Design tools are a significant investment for any company.

Regardless of the company's size, the return on investment is a critical need for every business. Without a clear strategy for transitioning to BIM technology, it’s easy for users to remain with old 2D techniques and continue using the familiar software they’ve worked with up to that point.

TeamCAD methodology includes

Implementing a Building Information Modeling (BIM) system involves a series of steps to enable the efficient use of this technology in construction design, building, and facility management. Here are some of the key steps:


1. Needs Analysis and Strategy:

  • Identification of organizational goals and needs.
  • Understanding the benefits that BIM can provide.
  • Development of an implementation strategy.

2. Selection of BIM Software:

  • Analysis of different BIM software solutions.
  • Choosing the software that best meets the needs of the organization.

3. Software Implementation (If necessary):

  • Installation and configuration of BIM software.


4. Training and Education: (Courses as the FIRST active phase of implementation)

  • Providing training for employees to gain basic knowledge of BIM.
  • Specific training for using BIM software.

5. Creation of Template Files (Preliminary work for the pilot project):

  • Creating files according to the company’s existing standards.

6. Pilot Project (Courses as the SECOND active phase of implementation):

  • Conducting a pilot project with a limited group of employees.
  • Evaluation of results and identification of potential improvements.


7. Development of Standards and Procedures:

  • Defining standards for using BIM in the organization.
  • Establishing procedures for working with BIM.

8. Expanding Implementation:

  • Gradually expanding BIM use across all projects.
  • Monitoring performance and adjusting processes as needed.
  • Integrating BIM software with existing tools and systems.

9. Continuous Improvement:

  • Monitoring new technologies and trends related to BIM.
  • Updating standards and procedures according to best practices.

10. Data Management:

  • Managing data with cloud technology.
  • Managing data with the client’s local resources.
  • Managing data by combining local resources and cloud technology.

11. Team Collaboration:

  • Promoting collaboration between different disciplines in the construction project.
  • Using BIM to enhance communication between project participants.

12. Maintenance and Support:

  • Providing support for employees during daily BIM use.
  • Regular maintenance of software and systems.

Implementing BIM requires engagement from all members of the organization and changes in work habits to maximize the benefits of this technology. These steps may vary depending on the organization’s specifics and project requirements.

If you are interested in BIM implementation in your company, please contact us via email at: or phone 011 301 5043


Bitne faze BIM implementacije

(mogu se implementirati i zasebno)

TeamCAD Revit implementacija

Revit Implementation


The implementation of the Autodesk Revit program involves introducing Autodesk Revit into the company's workflow. This typically entails transitioning from a 2D AutoCAD platform to 3D BIM technology.

Switching to Autodesk Revit achieves greater competitiveness, productivity, and improved service quality. Drawing from experience and practice in this field, TeamCAD has created three Revit implementation packages designed to meet the diverse needs of companies.
TeamCAD Revit implementacija

Vault Implementation


Autodesk Vault enables centralized management of technical documentation, relying on local resources, which include a local server and network infrastructure.

Use Autodesk Vault to improve collaboration and streamline workflows across engineering, manufacturing, and extended teams. The benefits of implementation include, among other things, time savings, reduced costs and errors, and increased workload capacity...
TeamCAD Revit implementacija

Autodesk Construction Cloud Implementation


Cloud products that help you address challenges during construction projects within a simple user interface. Autodesk Docs enables efficient document management, creating a central location for storing and sharing information. On the other hand, Autodesk BIM Collaborate enhances team collaboration, allowing real-time access to projects and changes. Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro represents the next step, providing advanced tools for coordination, communication, and project management.

The packages are intended for smaller firms or companies that wish to implement Revit in phases. They are tailored for groups of up to 5 participants in the same field.

Through training, the TeamCAD template, and consulting, users will be able to complete their first conceptual project in Autodesk Revit.

A prerequisite for creating an offer is that TeamCAD engineers, in agreement with the client, select a pilot project. The client is required to provide all documentation before training begins.

Packages vary in terms of the timelines for implementation, project size, and type.

TeamCAD BASIC PACKAGE for Revit implementation

  • Training - 24 class hours
  • TeamCAD template with 8 hours of customization
  • Workshop not included
  • Preparation and solving complex issues - 10 hours
  • Document creation - 8 hours
  • Consulting / pilot project - 16 hours

TeamCAD STANDARD PACKAGE for Revit implementation

  • Training - 24 class hours
  • TeamCAD template with 18 hours of customization
  • Workshop not included
  • Preparation and solving complex issues - 10 hours
  • Document creation - 8 hours
  • Consulting / pilot project - 24 hours

TeamCAD PREMIUM PACKAGE for Revit implementation

  • Training - 24 class hours
  • TeamCAD template with 18 hours of customization
  • Workshop - 2 x 4 class hours
  • Preparation and solving complex issues - 10 hours
  • Document creation - 8 hours
  • Consulting / pilot project - 48 hours

For a detailed description of all packages, visit the TeamCAD Revit implementation page.

If you are interested in Revit implementation for your company, please contact us by email at: or by phone at 011 301 5043

Centralized File Management: Autodesk Vault enables centralized storage of Revit projects and related files. This makes it easier to access projects and share files among team members, reducing the risk of data loss or version overlap.

Version Control: Vault provides file version tracking and change control, which is essential for ensuring consistency and integrity in projects. Version control allows users to revert to previous versions of files if necessary.

Access Management: Vault enables file access management at the user or team level, ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific parts of the project, thereby protecting content.

Integration with Revit: Vault tools are integrated with Revit, simplifying project management. Users can search, view, and connect to Vault directly from Revit.

Change Tracking: Vault enables tracking changes within Revit projects, including element-level changes. This helps in monitoring project progress and identifying specific modifications that have been made.

Management of Revit Families: Autodesk Vault allows for the organization, storage, and management of Revit families. Users can easily search and access different families within Vault, facilitating their retrieval and reuse in various projects.

Consistency and Standardization: Vault helps maintain consistency and standardization of Revit families within and across projects, ensuring the use of the same standards and parameters when creating and utilizing families, which contributes to project quality.

Automatic Printing: The integration between Vault and Revit enables automatic document printing. Users can set print templates within Vault and automatically generate drawings or other documents from Revit projects, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Custom Workflows: Vault allows users to define custom workflows for printing and document distribution, increasing flexibility in setting up approval and distribution processes according to the needs of a specific project or team.

Data Synchronization: Automatic data synchronization between Revit and Vault ensures consistency between local working copies and centralized data.

Data Backup and Recovery: Vault enables data backup and recovery, ensuring that important data is not lost.

The implementation of Autodesk Vault software is carried out in several phases and takes a total of 115 working hours.

Visit the Vault implementation page for a detailed description of each phase in the process.

If you are interested in Vault implementation for your company, please contact us via email at: or phone 011 301 5043

Autodesk Docs, Autodesk BIM Collaborate i Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro predstavljaju moćan trio alata koji transformišu način rada i olakšavaju implementaciju bez potrebe za dodatnim referencama.

Ove inovacije su ključne za modernizaciju radnih procesa u različitim industrijama. Koristeći ova rešenja, organizacije mogu optimizovati produktivnost, poboljšati transparentnost i ubrzati donošenje odluka. Fleksibilnost i prilagodljivost ovih alata omogućavaju lako usklađivanje sa specifičnim potrebama projekta.

Autodesk pristup obećava ne samo tehničku izvrsnost, već i intuitivan korisnički doživljaj. Ovi alati postavljaju visoke standarde za efikasno upravljanje projektima, unapređujući saradnju timova i ubrzavajući put ka uspehu u dinamičnom poslovnom okruženju. Integracijom Autodesk Docs, Autodesk BIM Collaborate i Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro, organizacije se pozicioniraju za brže, efikasnije i modernije poslovanje.

Posetite stranu Autodesk Construction Cloud za informacija o ovim programima.

Paketi Autodesk Construction Cloud implementacije

Autodesk Docs implementacija

  • Definisanje potreba i zahteva korisnika
    • Aktiviranje servisa
    • Setup naloga
    • Dodavanje korisnika na nalog
    • Setup projekta
    • Dodavanje korisnika na projekat
    • Struktura foldera
    • Imenovanje dokumenata ISO 19650
    • Kontrola pristupa
    • Procedure za approval
    • Distribucija informacija o publikovanju dokumenata
    • Oznake i projektna pitanja (issues)
    • Izveštaji
    • Project Template
  • Konfiguracija
  • Obuka
    • Obuka account administratora
    • Obuka administratora projekta
    • Obuka korisnika

BIM Collaborate implementacija

  • Definisanje potreba i zahteva korisnika
    • Aktiviranje servisa
    • Setup naloga
    • Dodavanje korisnika na nalog
    • Setup projekta
    • Dodavanje korisnika na projekat
    • Struktura foldera
    • Imenovanje dokumenata ISO 19650
    • Kontrola pristupa
    • Procedure za approval
    • Distribucija informacija o publikovanju dokumenata
    • Oznake i projektna pitanja (issues)
    • Izveštaji
    • Project Template
    • Kreiranje timova
    • Kreiranje Coordination Spaces
  • Konfiguracija
  • Obuka
    • Obuka account administratora
    • Obuka administratora projekta
    • Obuka korisnika

BIM Collaborate Pro implementacija

  • Definisanje potreba i zahteva korisnika
    • Aktiviranje servisa
    • Setup naloga
    • Dodavanje korisnika na nalog
    • Setup projekta
    • Dodavanje korisnika na projekat
    • Struktura foldera
    • Imenovanje dokumenata ISO 19650
    • Kontrola pristupa
    • Procedure za approval
    • Distribucija informacija o publikovanju dokumenata
    • Oznake i projektna pitanja (issues)
    • Izveštaji
    • Project Template
    • Kreiranje timova
    • Kreiranje Coordination Spaces
    • Worksharing
  • Konfiguracija
  • Obuka
    • Obuka account administratora
    • Obuka administratora projekta
    • Obuka korisnika

Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za Autodesk Construction Cloud implementaciju u vašoj kompaniji molimo vas da nas kontaktirate na e-mail: officе ili telefon 011 301 5043



TeamCAD reference za BIM implementaciju / logotipi klijenata


Koncept digitalnih blizanaca u BIM procesu rada

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